Per person / お一人様 ¥23,000(税込)
●Sashimi of Toro (Fatty tuna)
●TO-BAN yaki
・Steak of Japanese A-5 “Wagyu” beef sirloin
・3 kinds of sauce
●Salad / Dressing
●Onigiri (Rice ball) / Miso soup
・黒毛和牛A-5 サーロイン(150g)ステーキ
◎The above price includes service charge and tax.
◎Images are for illustration purposes.
◎We may be unable to accept your reservation depending on the availability.
◎One Harmony Members at special rate of 10% off the regular prices. ¥23,000⇒¥20,700(Svc & tax incl.)
◎One Harmony会員の方はご優待価格でご利用いただけます。¥23,000⇒¥20,700(税サ込)
2F Japanese resutaurant Sagano / 日本料理 嵯峨野 TEL.075(342)2163
Reception hours / 受付時間 11:00~20:00, Closed on Wednesdays / 定休日:毎週水曜日