Per person / お一人様 ¥50,000(税込)
●Scallop and salmon tartare style with caviar
●Japanese “OHMI” beef salad
●Lobster “Teppanyaki” thin starchy sauce with sea urchin and sharks fin
●Japanese “OHMI” beef sirloin steak (120g)
●Japanese “Wagyu” beef and welsh onions “SUKIYAKI” style
●Sauteed vegetables
●Garlic fried rice with “OHMI” beef
●Glass dessert
◎The above price includes service charge and tax.
◎Images are for illustration purposes.
◎We may be unable to accept your reservation depending on the availability.
◎This menu is excluded from the price discount.
~帆立貝とサーモンのタルタル仕立て キャビア添え~
●近江牛のサラダ仕立て おろしポン酢とともに
●伊勢海老の鉄板焼き 雲丹とフカヒレの銀餡かけ
2F Teppanyaki HOEN / 鉄板焼 豊園 TEL.075(342)2199
Reception hours / 受付時間 11:00~20:00, Closed on Thursday / 定休日:毎週木曜日